Category Community

a note from our founders ~ january

We know that January brings with it not only cold weather but also the commitment to new intentions and returning to practice. January can be a busy time of year for us as more and more people are interested in…

new years resolutions round-up

As we reflect on 2017 and set intentions for the coming year. We wanted to connect with our team and ask what they think about New Year’s Resolutions and if they have any for 2018! We also want to know,…

last minute gift guide

1LDesigns Essential Oil Bracelets $25-28 Functional jewelry is all the rage right now, and even better when made by a #yogahomie! Alison Seponara crafts each of these beautiful, wearable diffusers with a combination of vintage beads, charms, and porous lava beads…

winter solstice celebrations

In our area, the Winter Solstice occurs Thursday, December 21st at 11:28AM EST. This marks the longest night (and shortest day) of the year and the official start of winter. At Yoga Home, our core values drive our mission and…

Yoga Home Holiday Gift Guide: $25 and Under

At Yoga Home, our intention this holiday season is to mindfully support & encourage peace, joy & presence for all. That includes supporting you in what you choose to give as gifts this holiday season. We mindfully select every product…

doTerra roll-on oil blends

We acknowledge that the holiday season can bring about a myriad of emotions, from merriment to difficulty. we offer these roll-on essential oil blends from doTerra as tools you may use to foster more peace, joy, and presence for yourself…

‘Tis the Season of Giving ~ Tami Berry

The season of giving is upon us. And we are giving a lot: giving our time, our attention, our cheer, our love, giving thanks, giving of material goods, and other gifts. There is a whole lot of giving going on.…

December Community Initiative – CNC Food Drive

As we wrap up November’s community initiative with Warming Philly, we join the myriad of Conshohocken’s local businesses like ‘feine and Pieri Restaurants in their collection of canned goods for the Colonial Neighborhood Council. CNC has a thrift shop, food cupboard &…

meet candace stevens!

#yogahomies, meet Candace! You may have taken Slow Flow, Gentle, or Vinyasa with her but did you know has a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Trauma? She uses this and integrates mindful practices into her class!…

a ritual on halloween ~ by britt ahr

Between tonight at sunset and tomorrow at sunrise, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Today is the Gaelic festival of Samhain (Sah-ween), All Hallow’s Eve, or what is now known as Halloween. Samhain marks…

experiencing grace ~ by Kerri Hanlon

In preparing for Gratitude & Grace in November, I’ve been sitting with how each of these qualities has shifted for me these past few months. Professing gratitude has been part of my practice for years – it keeps me grounded,…

warming philly – november community initiative

This Fall we will continue our focus on building community both in and outside of the studio. The full month of November we will be partnering with Warming Philly, a charitable non-profit organization that conducts an annual clothing drive to benefit…

Meet Jenn McCracken!

#yogahomies, meet Jennifer McCracken! You may have taken one of her Power Flow classes: Mondays 6-7pm, 7:45-8:45 Tuesdays, and 9:15-10:15am Saturdays!  However, Jenn also is heavily involved with our Kids Programming here at Yoga Home! You can find her teaching…

words from our community

We feel so full with gratitude and inspiration when we hear stories from our community. #yogahomie, Liz Loney shared her story on Instagram for World Mental Health Day and gave us permission to share her story with all of you.…

Perkville Rewards Program is LIVE!

We have some big news! We’ve partnered with Perkville to develop Yoga Home’s very own rewards program! Earn points for the things you do with us every day, and you’ll be able to redeem those in our studio for awesome stuff. Just…

We raised $320 for Portlight!

Thanks to all of you who attended our September Pop-up Benefit classes and our teachers Amy, Jenn and Gina who donated their time to teach, we have raised $320 which has been donated to Portlight Inclusive Disaster Relief.   Portlight focuses on…

october community focus: world cp day

At Yoga Home, we know nurturing relationships and being in community with others fosters a deeper sense of purpose. We strive to be of service to ourselves and to each other, in both our own neighborhood and across the globe.Each…