Tips to Backbend without Pain

Back pain is a common complaint we hear when people come to yoga.  Read more for Alissa’s tips on backbends and join us for her Backbend without Pain Workshop!  You’ll learn skills and techniques you can apply to every class you take.

Most of us live life in a very slouched physical state. On our phones, at the computer, tending to children; these are just some examples of how our bodies end up this way. We need to bring extra thought and attention to moving in the other direction – the backwards direction. Below you will find a few facts about backbends and how they can support us in finding some equilibrium.

Tip #1 ~ Backbends strengthen your back body

Most people know backbends open the front of your body, but did you know that they actually help strengthen the back of your body? When we spend so much time slouching forward, the front of the chest not only becomes tight, but the upper back especially becomes very weak. This imbalance becomes more pronounced as we age, so we need to make a conscious effort to evenly strengthen both sides!

Tip #2 ~ Strength is more important in backbending than flexibility

Did I just blow your mind? Yes, strength is very important when backbending, especially if you want to do them the rest of your life. In fact, my super flexible friends need to work a bit harder to access strength instead of relying on their flexibility that’s inherent. So, if you are thinking, “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga or backbends,” think again!

Tip #3 ~ Backbends can help your inversion practice

Limited mobility in the front of the hips and upper back can restrict progress in your inversions. The body is not one sided, so working on both the front and the back is key. Finding a bit more mobility can make other poses accessible, and also help in your day to day movement, even when you’re not standing on your hands!

So, how do we do this safely and thoughtfully for years to come? Intention and knowledge are key! In my upcoming workshop, “Backbends without Pain” we will go over the main principles of safe backbending in any class, in any backbend! We will then apply these principles to a physical practice working towards a few different backbends including wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Camel (Ustrasana), and any others that interest you! The workshop will be held on Sunday, 2/12 from 1:30-3:30pm!

For details and registration, visit our EVENTS Page – scroll to February 12th.

~ written by Alissa Portet