why do-Terra’s TerraShield blend should be your go-to body product for summer

You might already be using doTerra’s lavender for some calming aromatherapy around you house; you might be using their lemon oil to keep things clean and shiny in your kitchen. You might be like me and are slathering both peppermint and doTerra’s Breathe blend all over your sinuses to combat seasonal allergies. You might not have heard of TerraShield, doTerra’s bug and pest deterrent, but it might just be your new go-to bottle to stash in your purse, in your car, or in your bathroom.

This blend is formulated specifically to keep bugs away from your body (think mosquitos and, even worse, ticks!) while you spend time outdoors this summer. It includes a delicious mix of cedarwood, ylang ylang, lemon eucalyptus, and vanilla bean, and it’s totally non-toxic and natural (plus, it smells divine). TerraShield can be applied topically (2-3 drops should carry you through about 6 hours): keep it simple by adding a few drops into your regular lotion or coconut oil, add it into a bottle of water or witch hazel for an easy spray (or check out doTerra’s premade version), or put a few drops in your favorite diffuser jewelry (psst… we’re stocking up on more essential oil bracelets from 1L Designs for the summer!). Don’t forget- essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut oil or olive oil) or lotion if applying topically on children and babies! Spray it on clothing, strollers, picnic blankets, or camping gear! TerraShield can also be your secret weapon for all your outdoor hosting needs this summer; diffuse a few drops outdoors to keep your patio dinner party bug-free and guests itch-free, without a pervasive chemical scent.

As a general “summer essential oil usage” note, you should never apply citrus oils onto your skin before going outside. These react with sunlight and will cause serious burns. If you’re unsure whether you can wear an oil outside, always consult the company you purchased it from. (TerraShield is formulated for topical wear and is totally safe to apply in the sun.)