please support our community care classes

On March 14, we introduced our Free Community Care Classes in direct response to what we felt our community would need amidst the shutdown and the growing awareness of what was ahead for our country. They became (and still are) a place to land, a place to be held, a place to share, a place to move and breathe and feel all the feels as we navigate this incredibly complex and stressful time. We could have never imagined that we would still be navigating the pandemic 9 months later or all that has occurred in between.

As we head into the Winter months, a time that can already be challenging for folks for a variety of reasons, we’re committed to continuing our Community Care Classes.

We recognize that every piece of our health is important – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – and we are committed to sharing the tools of a yoga practice with as many as possible, in both an affordable and accessible way. We also know that our individual well-being is intimately connected to the collective well-being and we must take care of each other.

With the pandemic worsening, shutdowns in effect, businesses shuttered, we are also at the same time hopeful as the vaccine starts to make it’s way into our communities. So much of what we practice in our class time together is just the this – the ability to hold both, the dynamic tension of life. We practice coming together as a community so we can find connection even during a period that feels isolating.

And yes, if you’re reading this, YOU are our community. And we’re asking for your continued support of these classes. Support can look like:

  • Showing up to class, practicing with your camera on and/or sharing in our community check-in at the end of class
  • Sharing this class with someone in your circle who you know would benefit from the practice and maybe even joining them to show your support for their well-being
  • Make a donationto help us keep this option sustainable for both our community and our studio

Kerri Hanlon,  Maura Manzo and Candace Stevens all bring something different to these classes. These embodied practices are designed to help you get grounded, regulate and nourish the nervous system and process your experience. All classes are appropriate for all levels of practitioners, including beginners.

Please join us Tuesday & Thursday 12p or Saturday 9am. Register here. 

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