processing the pandemic

We’ve all been through a hell of a year. It’s important for our own healing and the collective’s health that we seek out opportunities to process all that we have and continue to move through. As yogis, we are invited to bring embodiment and intentionality into how we choose to show up both right now and in the months ahead, as opposed to mindlessly going back to the same old routine. We also know that certain things weren’t working pre-pandemic and this time has revealed to us all the inequities and injustices that we must no longer ignore. So, what are we letting go of, what are stepping into, what does collective care look like moving forward, and what do we imagine for ourselves and each other?

This program was designed to allow you to move through the material on your own, using all the pre-recorded practices and/or the opportunity to move through in community with a monthly live practice.

All practices will give you the space to begin to explore and unpack all we’ve been through since March 2020, individually and collectively.

Using stillness and movement, inquiry and conversation, Maura has designed these practice to help feel into our experiences and create pathways towards healing as we continue to navigate the different stages of the pandemic.

Included Content:

Guided Meditation – The Power of the 3 Intentional Breaths: This guided meditation will help you use your breath to guide you back into yourself, your body and the present moment, leaving you  feeling more connected and on purpose.   6 minutes

Guided Breath Exercise – Square Breath:  Four-part breath, also known as ‘square breathing’,  can help to calm the mind, relieving stress and anxiety, as well as bringing you into the present moment. 6 minutes

Getting Out of Your Head: This 10-minute practice you can do anywhere will help you move out of your head and back down into the body, ultimately giving you more access to reality, your feelings and clarity for decision making.  10 minutes

Taking Rest – Guided Relaxation Practice:  Let yourself be guided into a restful and relaxed place,  give the body and nervous system an opportunity to reset and refresh.  Practice begins will a brief lecture and simple spinal movements before getting set up on the ground. 35 minutes 

Digesting the Pandemic – Yin Practice: Moving through a sequence that supports our physical digestion, Maura reminds us that there is no separation between mind/body and encourages us to consider our emotional/mental/spiritual metabolism of the pandemic as well. 60 minutes 

Discernment & Perception – Vinyasa & Meditation Practice: This practice looks at discernment through the yogic lens, specifically moving into a sequence designed to stimulate and release the 3rd chakra with is related to the ego, move beyond ignorance and illusion to then be able to access more depth and clarity in our perception (6th chakra). 75 minutes

Cultivating Balance & Harmony – Basics Practice: Our yoga practice should bring us into greater balance and harmony with ourselves, each other and the world around us. Using reflection, gentle rhythmic movement and Alternate Nostril breath, this practice will help you navigate your way to your own truth. 45 minutes 

Here I Am Meditation and Journal Prompts: Maura will get you grounded and then ask you questions to help you reflect on and process your pandemic experience. Pause the recording to take all the time you need or listen to in its’ entirety. Also, revisit these questions as often as you like. 20 minutes 

Live Sessions

Live practice will not be recorded. Class will be interactive with opportunities to share and work in small groups. You will have unlimited access to pre-recorded practices and journal prompts. We are offering different times for the live option each month in an effort to accommodate as many people as possible. Please know these classes will all be similar with slight changes based on the group and current pandemic status. Please choose which works best for your schedule.  You are welcome to attend more than one live session – please register for class in advance. 

Live practice will include both yin and gentle flow movement, journaling and group discussion. Practice will be accessible to all level of practitioners. Please bring 2 blocks and a blanket, plus a journal/notebook and an item for the community altar that reflects your intention for this workshop. 

Community Tiered Pricing:

Our community tiered pricing model supports sustainability, access and equity making the practice of yoga more accessible to all. It’s also a practice in self-awareness and mindfulness. Please consider what feels sustainable for you and supportive of our community.

  • $39 – pays for you and in support of another
  • $29 – pays for you (use promo code pandemic29 at checkout)
  • $19 – supported rate (use promo code pandemic19 at checkout)

* To get access to the community tiered pricing, you MUST enter correct promo code at checkout.  Promo codes will be applied to all monthly payments automatically once input at initial purchase. No returns or refunds.

Upon purchase, all Included Content will become immediately available.