Michelle C. Johnson at Yoga Home Sept. 14-15

Michelle C. Johnson is a yoga teacher, social justice activist, licensed clinical social worker and Dismantling Racism trainer.  She is the author of Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga to Create a Just World.  This  powerful weekend is designed to help people better understand how power and privilege operate in their life. With a deep understanding of trauma and the impact that it has on the mind, body, spirit and heart, Michelle’s work focuses on how privilege, power and oppression affects the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energy body.

Skill in Action Weekend Training with Michelle Cassandra Johnson
September 14-15, 9am-5pm

Students have the option to join for the full weekend for for individuals. We are offering sliding scale pricing options to make this as accessible as possible!

Dismantling Racism Workshop
Saturday, September 14, 9a-5pm

Michelle Johnson, anti-racism trainer, yogi, and activist will lead us through a Dismantling Racism workshop focused on understanding systems of power, privilege, and oppression.

If you are experiencing overwhelm, confusion, or despair about the current cultural context and you want to better understand how race was constructed and the impact of white supremacy on us all join Michelle for this workshop.

The dismantling racism workshop includes:
• Embodied practice (breath work and some movement)
• Storytelling based on our life experience
• A look at personal, cultural, and institutional racism
• A history of the race construct
• A look at internalizations of racism and privilege and planning for action.

You will leave with a shared language and framework to better understand personal, institutional and cultural racism. Open to the public, yogis and non-yogis.

Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World
Sunday September 15, 9a-5pm

Are you wondering how to stay grounded and centered and respond to the current political and cultural context? Contemplative practices such as yoga and meditation can serve as points of refuge when we feel lost, hopeless and uncertain. Skill in Action, a practice that bridges yoga and justice, will lead you through a transformative two-day workshop focused on contemplative practice, justice and healing. Skill in Action provides experiential embodied activities to wade through emotions, learn our history and challenge the urge to remain complacent. If you are a yogi, healer, or social change agent this workshop is designed for you.

White supremacy’s most effective tool is Divide and Conquer, which causes us to distance from ourselves and others, leaving us split apart both individually and collectively. Dismantling white supremacy requires turning and facing one another. Through the practice of yoga, we can experience a personal transformation that allows us to approach one another with honesty, skill and awareness.In this workshop, we will deepen our understanding of the principles of justice and of yoga, the workings of power and privilege, oppression and identity, suffering and liberation, and loving kindness. In addition, we will discuss what we internalize from living in a white supremacist culture and how these internalizations impact us individually, as people of color, as white people, and as a collective.

We will practice asana (postures), meditation, mindfulness, pranayama (breathing), chanting and mantra work as you sharpen goals and visions for your work to change the world. You will also create concrete plans to put your goals into action.

This all-levels yoga workshop will include a dharma talk, meditation, asana, and discussion. You will have an hour-long lunch break on Saturday and Sunday.

*Note: You are encouraged to sign up for the entire weekend at a discounted price. If you only attend Sunday’s workshop we ask that you have some understanding of how personal, institutional and cultural racism operate.

To make these workshops accessible, we have a three-tiered payment scale.

Sliding Scale Price, FULL WEEKEND:

  • $175 – Community Rate (discounted)
$200 – Sustainer Rate (pays for you)
$225 – Supporter Rate (supports others/as well as yourself)

Sliding Scale Price, Saturday or Sunday ONLY:

  • $100 – Community Rate (discounted)
$125 – Sustainer Rate (pays for you)

  • $150 – Supporter Rate (supports others/as well as yourself)


Cancellation Policy: Please note that if you can no longer attend a training you have signed up for, we will gladly refund or credit the full cost to your Yoga Home account, given 21 days notice before the event. Up to 8 days before the event, we will provide a 50% refund or credit. We cannot refund or credit your enrollment cost within 7 days of the event. If Yoga Home cancels the event for any reason, you will be issued a full refund.