election 2020

You likely know by now that we take our role and responsibility as business owners, members of our local community and contributors to the collective energy of our world seriously. As Election 2020 approaches, we feel it important to not only let you know where we stand, but share resources, create opportunities for civic engagement, and, most importantly, to make a specific ask of you. 

We’re at a critical moment in our nation’s history. We must do everything we can to fight against oppression and injustice everywhere. As yogis, we believe it is our duty to stand up, speak out and actively participate in the dismantling of racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and any –ism that perpetrates harm, inequality and separation. 

The pace of the world, even now in this era of COVID, is so fast. Our practice reminds us, even begs us, to pause and reflect upon not only this moment, but beyond, and the world we wish to create for ourselves and future generations.  

This November, we are voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

And, we’re asking you to do the same. 

Every decision we make at Yoga Home seeks to align with our core values –  Connection, Acceptance, Community, Love and Growth – and our mission to provide access to the practice and teachings of yoga to all people, regardless of perceived barriers such as sex, gender, race, age, ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, clothing, demeanor, relationship status, or any other choice or identity.   

We know that the election of Biden/Harris is not the end of this work but the beginning; that no candidate or ticket is perfect. There must be sustained efforts towards a just world for all – for racial equity, environmental responsibility, and economic growth for more individuals. We would also be remiss not to name the immediate need for a far more trusted voice on international affairs and the ability to deliver a safe and actionable plan to navigate this pandemic.

You’ve seen us lean into conversation and action around racial justice, create programming specific for individuals with disabilities, those in recovery and in support of mental and emotional health. This is no different. We know this work can be uncomfortable. It can be for us, too. But we’re committed to creating a brave space that asks us to dig deeper, listen more intently and then put our practice into action.  As always with any messaging we put out, we’re creating programming and resources to help us all engage in more thoughtful and necessary ways. 


Here’s a preview of opportunities in the months ahead: 

  • Yoga and Politics – A virtual practice that explores the intersectionality and how our yoga practice, activism and political practices align. 
  • Meeting with local Biden/Harris campaign leaders – Join us to learn about opportunities for involvement, including canvassing, phone banking and more. 
  • Yoga Home Text Bank – While we may not be able to be in physical space together to phone/text bank, this virtual opportunity allows us to tap into the power of community for this shared experience. 
  • Yoga in Action – small group work to create both personal engagement and community accountability in taking our practice off the mat. 

We believe the tools of our practice provide us the resources to move into and through this moment with more purpose and clarity, so that the thoughts, words and actions of our own lives contribute to happiness and freedom for all.  

We look forward to stepping into this work together. We’ll end with wise words from His Holiness, the Dali Lama: 

“We must conceive of ourselves as part of one community. We must support that one humanity through our own spiritually-based community, and not put our own community ahead of that one humanity. If we want a better world for our grandchildren, we must act now. We can’t continue to just “regret, regret, regret.” Change will come from education, not meditation. A sense of wholeness is a necessity. We must move from “I” to “We”.  


Kerri Hanlon  & Maura Manzo 

Co-founders, Yoga Home