diving deeper into meditation

“The mind is the greatest of all mysteries. A clear, calm, one-pointed, friendly mind puts all the treasures of the world at our disposal.”

– Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is a user’s guide to remembering and getting rooted in our true nature. Using the first three sutras, we’ll dive deeper into our studies and exploration of meditation in a grounded manner.

The key will be practice.

We’ll start with a short discussion of the sutra we are focusing on and then we will sit for 15-20 minutes. You will also be invited to keep a practice journal for daily meditations on your own. You are welcome to obtain a translation of the Yoga Sutras, but it is not necessary. You will receive each sutra and a brief translation from Maura before each class. She will be working with The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait.

Maura’s approach to meditation is considered very accessible, for both the newest and more seasoned practitioners.

Series runs June 2 -16th, Wednesdays at 7-7:45

If you’re not able to join live, class will be available for future viewing.