how to incorporate crystals into your reiki practice ~ kim shipman

Reiki energy is a pure form of positive energy that we receive from the Universe. Crystals are also sources of positive energy that have been used in healing for thousands of years.
Shamanic practices use Earth energy (crystals,flowers and herbs) for their healing so combining crystals with your Reiki practice enhances the energic power of your practice.
As a Shamanic Reiki Master Practitioner I am often called to use crystals in my practice. I use a variety of quartz crystals. Clear quartz is known as the crystal that amplifies the power of the other crystals. It is used as the generator in grids ( a generator is a tall, faceted, flat bottom terminated or pointed quartz crystal placed in the center of the grid). I incorporate a variety of crystals when cutting the directions into the grid, depending on the person, my needs or particular circumstance.
chakra crystals
An alternative to gridding is to line crystals to correspond to each Chakra. Crown- amethyst Third eye- lapis lazuli Throat- kyanite Heart- rose quartz Solar Plexus- citrine or tigers eye Sacral- carnelian and Root- red jasper. I feel the Reiki energy enters the front of the body and the crystal energy enters the back body combining to create a total environment of healing energy. I also place a crystal on the Chakra area when energy feels weak or blocked. I follow where my Reiki Guides lead me when incorporating crystals into the session.
red jasper
Black tourmaline is a great crystal to use as a Practitioner for grounding and protection . Citrine is a wonderful abundance crystals that I like to incorporate into a grid. Abundance and prosperity should not be looked at as strictly monatary. It should be looked at as abundance in ALL areas of your life.
Whether you use Reiki for yourself or share with others, incorporating crystals will bring an additional form of energy into your practice.
All the crystals listed can be found in the retail section at Yoga Home as well as the book 101 Power Crystals by Judy Hall.
Kim Shipman is a Reiki Master Practioner of the Usai linage and a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. Kim is also a Cardiovascular Technologist and has practiced yoga for over 20 years.
Want to become a Reiki Practitioner? Kim is leading a Reiki I Training: Developing the Healing Touch on Saturday March 31st and a Reiki II Training on June 23rd. 
(Save $50 if you sign up for Reik I and Reiki II )