always be recycling ~ house pick-ups

This month, we’ve partnered with Always Be Recycling to host an electronic drive to keep electronics out of landfills! We can collect any small electronics you may have at the studio, you can bring these items when you come for class. For the bigger items that you may have in your house such as TVs, Computers, Blenders, Video Game Sets, Record Players etc.

Always Be Recycling’s Mission is to provide our community with the best possible solution for recycling electronics responsibly and to help extend the lives of electronics and their components for as long as possible.

Why Recycle?

E-Waste contains toxic and hazardous materials including mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical flame retardants, which have the potential to leach into our soil and water.

What We do:

We handle every item that comes to us both carefully and respectfully to give our customers increased confidence that used and end-of-life electronics are managed in an environmentally responsible manner that is in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. Reuse is the highest form of recycling and we guarantee that no reusable product or material is wasted. While working with us you can have the peace of mind that your electronics will be recycled properly, donated to charity, refurbished or re-purposed. You help us, we help you, and we all help the Earth. If it plugs in, we can keep it out of the landfill.

For the larger items that we cannot hold at the studio, please reach out to Always Be Recycling Directly at Phone 610-825-3450 to arrange a pick-up.

Most electronics can be recycled for free including:

  • ·Computers, Laptops, Tablets, and Accessories
  •  Printers and Speakers
  •  Flat Screen LED/LCD and Plasma TVs and Monitors
  • Stereo Equipment, Record Players, Speakers, etc.
  • DVD Players, Blu-Ray Players, and VCRs
  • Video Game Consoles, Controllers and Accessories
  • Microwaves, Blenders, & other Household Electronics
  • Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Mini Fridges


Tube Style CRT TVs can be recycled with a disposal fee. Please email us with a model number for a quote and to schedule a pickup or drop off.

Please feel free to Call or Email with any questions or concerns.

Always Be Recycling , Conshohocken, PA 19428 Phone 610-825-3450