experiencing grace ~ by Kerri Hanlon

In preparing for Gratitude & Grace in November, I’ve been sitting with how each of these qualities has shifted for me these past few months.

Professing gratitude has been part of my practice for years – it keeps me grounded, keeps my anxiety at arms length and fills my soul.  Back in 2014, I wrote about my relationship to gratitude, in our blog Opening to Gratitude   I was feeling especially grateful that year, our first year where Yoga Home was a reality.  I couldn’t wait to host the Gratitude Feast, teach my Gratitude Class, and add leaves to our Gratitude Tree.

Grace, on the other hand, has always felt a bit more elusive for me – I’ve seen this attribute show so beautifully in others, but didn’t often feel it in myself.

And then when my world was falling apart a few months back in the days after my son, Sean’s passing, Grace came and swept me up. It was an overwhelming feeling of comfort and relief. Perhaps it was the first time I had no choice but to 100% let go and cede control. At a time when my soul ached, Grace filled me to allow me to be present. I didn’t feel shut down, but deeply in the moment and able to experience those days with the comfort that I would be ok.

I can only describe it as a feeling that Spirit, recognizing my soul needed help, took over.  I imagine it’s tied to our belief system, and will be deeply personal for each us.  For me, I had a Divinity Trifecta supporting me – Mother Earth, Mother Mary and my beloved Grammy.  I could literally feel their presence within my body, giving me strength to deliver my eulogy for Sean.  How else, I wonder, would I have been able to get through that moment?

Each of us has different experiences with these qualities. I share my feelings in the hopes that it allows others to reflect on it and find some healing, inspiration, comfort and growth.

Retreats like our upcoming Gratitude & Grace retreat can be so deeply nourishing for our bodies and souls.  I am so looking forward to a long weekend in the woods and being in conversation about how our bodies and souls embody these qualities.

Which feels more “natural” for you – Gratitude or Grace?  Would love to hear your thoughts below.