The Gift of Presence ~ by Maura Manzo

If you’ve been in my classes at all this past week, I’ve been talking a lot about self-care. As a teacher, I’m often drawn to speaking about my own personal experiences that are most relevant at the time. I’ve always heard “you teach what you need.” Boy, is this true.

A few weeks ago, I felt the “crazies” coming on ~ that constricted feeling of not enough time, not enough space and too much to do. My constant challenge in life is finding balance. This is often exasperated by holidays or big trips. Throughout the years, my practice has given me the skills to notice what unhinges me and know what I need to be able to come back to center.

So what did I do? I wrote a list. (I love lists!) I wrote a list of what my teacher Seane Corn calls “non-negotiables” ~ all the things that I need to keep me healthy, balanced and present though the next few months. Here’s the list. It’s hanging in my office.


And as it normally goes when you declare your intention, the universe provided me even more inspiration to gain back some time and balance in my life. This. Lululemon’s #GivePresence campaign.



Confession: at times, I am addicted to my phone. Period, the end. You know, “the going to bed and waking up first thing I all do is look at my phone” kind of addiction. And let me tell you, it is a TIME SUCK. 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there. A quick check of my Facebook updates leads me down a black hole of silly cat videos and learning about the 9cm Seadevil that lives at the bottom of the ocean. “How did I get here?! And, oh shit, it’s been an hour!”

So, after writing my holiday health plan and watching the#givingpresence video, I’ve become really clear about what else I need to do:  I’ve decided for the month of December, I’m removing all social media apps from my iPhone. I’m removing email, too.

I purchased an alarm clock and have a stack of books next to my bed. I know I’ll gain an extra hour or two in my day by simply not aimlessly checking my phone right after class or while in bed….or when I need a break (big self-care clue here). I know I’ll gain the gift of presence with myself and with others. Connection is the cure. I know this. I yearn for this. And now I’m really committing to this.

At Yoga Home, we have a “no cell phone in the studios” policy. Kerri and I believe your time on your mat is your time for you. Time to disconnect to reconnect, know what I mean? So, we’ve been putting our heads together. Perhaps we can all take this even deeper for the month and commit to turning our phones off (what, there’s an off button on this thing?) once we enter the space, not just turning them to vibrate. Commit to not checking them immediately after class is over (us, too!) and keeping them off until we get back home or work. Or maybe we can leave our phones in our cars. Because what would happen if we all looked up more, instead of nose-down into our smart phones? Aren’t we all craving connection and community and authentic presence with each other? Seems like an easy way to do it.

So, here’s the proposal: #turnoffyourphone, take a #socialmediadetox, #lookup and #givepresence.

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Share your commitments. We’ll support you.