essential oils of the month ~ citrus

Citrus essential oils are like little bottles of summer sunshine, and that’s exactly what I want to hold onto heading into September as the warmer days start to wane. DoTerra has a wide range of products containing citrus oils, so there are plenty to pick from to suit your needs. While these are incredibly versatile, it is important to note that citrus oils should never be applied topically to skin before going outdoors for an extended period of time! Even as the sunny hours grow shorter.

One of the most popular uses for citrus oil is as a pick-me-up! Diffuse lemon, wild orange, or Citrus Bliss to create an awakened, alert feeling in the room. Dab a few drops on your wrists, temples, and the back of the neck when sitting down to a lengthy or strenuous task (like, oh I don’t know, homework!). Spray a mixture of any citrus oil and water onto the surface of a desk or table to create a simple focus space.

(Psst- did you know that doTerra’s Citrus Bliss blend is a combination of a wide range of citrus essential oils, including some that we don’t sell in the studio? In addition to wild orange and lemon, this blend features grapefruit, mandarin, bergamot, tangerine, clementine, and vanilla! This is a fantastic blend to apply topically to destress and zone in on a task. We have Citrus Bliss as a pre-mixed lotion- you can also add a few drops from the bottle to your favorite lotion at home!)

Another incredible and popular use for citrus oils is household cleaning! A few drops of lemon, wild orange, or citrus bliss in a spray bottle with some water make the perfect multi-surface, all-purpose cleaner. Take care of germs in your kitchen, bathroom, classroom, or wherever else you need it.

For even more germ-busting power, don’t forget DoTerra’s On Guard blend! This should be your go-to for immune system support come fall, and starting to strengthen your body now will make sure it’s ready to fight off the flu come November! On Guard contains a mixture of wild orange, clove bud, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, and rosemary leaf for maximum immunity power. This blend would also make a wonderful household cleaner spray- it’s also perfect mixed with lotion or coconut oil has a homemade natural hand sanitizer, or with a drop or two in an essential oil diffusing bracelet when working with sick folks (I see you, kindergarten teachers!).

Hold on to summer and prepare for fall with DoTerra’s citrus oils!


written by retail specialist, Kat Sullivan