essential oil of the month ~ balance

If you’ve ever been in a yoga class where you did a balancing pose, you understand that true balance is never perfectly static. Finding your center requires dozens of movements, large and small, in order to maintain homeostasis. It’s never simple. 

Neither is DoTerra’s Balance blend. With a soothing combination of Frankincense, Spruce, Blue Tansy, Chamomile, and more, this oil promotes a sense of tranquility and internal peace. As we begin to move into the darkest and most internal time of the year (which, simultaneously, ends up being the busiest and most social for many of us!), it’s important to stay balanced in whatever way that means to you. 

Balance blend is perfect applied topically to the bottom of your feet, inner wrists, neck, and back for soothing benefits. It can also be diffused indoors, or in a car, for the aromatherapy benefits.