Yoga Nidra

Also known as “the divine sleep” or sleep with awareness, Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice that is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. It is intended to induce full-body relaxation and a deep meditative state of consciousness. Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of complete relaxation, holistically addressing our physiological, neurological, and subconscious needs.

We’ll use a variety of techniques—including guided imagery and body scanning—to aid relaxation. And unlike a quick Savasana at the end of asana practice, Yoga Nidra allows enough time for you to physiologically and psychologically sink into it. You’ll reawaken feeling refreshed, renewed and on-purpose.

As this is a completely meditative practice, please dress according to your comfort level, knowing the body will naturally be more cool during this practice.

with Julie Pogachevksy 

This class is included in our regular pricing options – class pack and membership accepted, drop-ins welcome.