featured teacher of the month ~ nicole durant

#yogahomies, meet Nicole Durant– our featured teacher of the month! You can find Nicole teaching on Wednesdays for noon Vinyasa and Fridays at 5:30pm for Gentle.

Through your work as a yoga teacher, what impacts would you like to make on the world?
The biggest impact I hope to make on the world is to spread the fact that everyone is going through some sort of challenge. Whatever difficulties you may be facing at the time know that you are not alone. By connecting with others it allows you to heal. Also to teach that there are more ways than one to heal the mind, body and spirit. You have to find what’s best for you at that time in your life.

Who inspires you?
So many people inspire me for different qualities in my life. Richard Rohr and Oprah inspires me spiritually. My parents and brothers inspire me because of their hard work. Cicelee Chappelle inspires me as a yoga teacher.

How would you describe your teaching style?
I would describe my teaching style as fun, flowing, accessible to all with a positive theme.

Would you categorize yourself as a thinker, maker, planner, or leader?
I would say that I am a planner for sure. Sometimes I find myself planning too far ahead.

Of all Yoga Home’s core values {Connection, Acceptance, Love, Community, Growth} which do you connect with most?
Without a doubt it would be LOVE. Love is the only thing that is ever lasting.