featured teacher of the month ~ julie pogachefsky

#yogahomies, meet Julie, our featured teacher of the month! You can join Julie on Wednesday nights at 6pm for Vinyasa and Thursday nights at 7:30pm for Yin/Restorative!

Through your work as a yoga teacher, what impacts would you like to make on the
Before each class that I teach, I silently say the same prayer: that all those present come to understand the peace, beauty and love that they are. So I suppose the impact that I would like to make most in the world is just that. For people to understand that they are not the thoughts in their head but rather the peace and love in their hearts.

Who inspires you?
Who doesn’t?? Everyone with whom I cross paths is an inspiration for me. Each person has brought me to a deeper understanding of life and love.

How would you describe your teaching style?
When teaching restorative and yin classes I hope to offer people a reprieve from efforting and
allow them to step into the calm, peaceful presence of just being.However, I’ve been told more than once that my vinyasa classes are “deceptively difficult”. That I seem sweet and nurturing and lull them into thinking things are going to be easy and then suddenly they are sweating. I don’t know if this is true or not but i know that when I practice a Vinyasa class I appreciate challenging and thoughtful sequencing.

Would you categorize yourself as a thinker, maker, planner, or leader?
Yes, I can be each of these and no I wouldn’t categorize myself as any. Depending on the circumstance and what it requires, I will become a thinker or a maker or a planner or a leader. I love the question because it goes to the heart of what we think we are. And when we carefully look inside, we find out we experience all of these and yet we are not any one.

Of all Yoga Home’s core values {Connection, Acceptance, Love, Community, Growth} which do you connect with most?
One of the great paradoxes I have experienced is how connecting with others brings me deeper into understanding and knowing the love and peace that I am. So I suppose of all the important and beautifully stated core values of Yoga Home, I relate most to connection. The minute I stepped through Yoga Home’s threshold, I felt it was a special place; a sanctuary for those who enter. Since joining the wonderful staff, I have felt held by Yoga Home’s warm and caring community. I so hope to connect to more and more of the beautiful Yoga Homies!