A Walk in the Woods – A Retreat Reflection by Kerri Hanlon

Four years ago I went in my first yoga retreat with Maura Manzo (and my first ever yoga retreat). I wasn’t sure if a retreat was “for me” and had a slew of reasons to not go – could I afford the time/money, was it selfish for me to take the time away from my family, work commitments, etc. I went because I had a feeling things were shifting for me.

And boy were they.

Maura and I took a walk in the woods on that retreat and it was one of many conversations that led to the opening of Yoga Home.

You never know what may happen when you give yourself space to ponder the possibilities.

This past weekend I took another walk at the lovely Himalayan Institute. I was only there overnight, but the shift for me was dramatic. I didn’t realize how much stress I had been holding in my body. These past few months have been super tough; taking a respite was not only needed, it was overdue.

Many of us are super skilled at holding it together when times are challenging. Or telling ourselves we’re ok with the status quo.
But what happens when you give yourself time to ponder, dream, explore? That’s where the good stuff is.
I hope you’ll consider joining Maura and me at our retreat – Gratitude & Grace, November 11-13.

If you can’t make it, I hope you’ll find another opportunity to create some space for your body and soul to rest.
